To collaborate as a couple, we built a box camera with two lenses, of different focal lengths. These lens are located side by side on the front of the box, and the back is fitted with a removeable panel for the insertion of 11 x 14 inch negative lithography film. There is no viewfinder; a piece of dark velvet placed over the lenses serves as a shutter, to be removed for the several seconds, approximately, required for an exposure. We travelled with our camera to 12 locations in the American West (Yosemite; Joshua Tree; Grand Canyon; MacArthur Park; Sequoia/Kings Canyon; San Joaquin Valley; Zuma Beach; Death Valley; Mono Lake; Mammoth Lakes; Bristlecone Forrest; Vagabond Inn, Ventura) , every day repeating the same routine: drive, stop, place the camera in the direction of a scenic shot, take the exposure, drive on; and in the evening: find a motel room, set up photochemistry in the bathroom, black out the room, develop the day’s negatives. The images that resulted show two round views side by side.
Unique hand-bound book with wood covers and color offset lithographic interior sheets, 10 3/4 x 16 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches
Edition of 50 hand-bound books with Duralar covers and 49 color offet lithographs, 16 1/2 x 10 5/8